014 - Are you afraid of the Dark?

Hey, you.

Some of the very least pleasant things in life have to do with the Dark, and the Cold.

I’m subscribed to a lot of self-development content on YouTube, and I keep seeing motivational or workout videos with Winter Arc in the name (meaning, for those who don’t know, a character development arc like in the Archetypal Heroes Journey.)

Autumn and Winter however, have a very special, very rich place in that process.

Death and rebirth.



Rite of Passage.




You become so afraid of shouting into the void and having nothing return because you will feel that you, then, must not exist.

But when you become a subject of the void; and you shout into it with the certainty that you exist no matter the response, the void itself becomes the substance that listens and responds.

You’re afraid to create content and put it out there because on one hand, you’re afraid that you don’t exist; and on the other hand, you’re even more afraid that you do exist without permission.

You’re afraid of the Dark.

You’re afraid of the Cold.

Of course it’s lonely.

What would it all matter if everyone could do it?

…We’ve mentioned before that the two of the Four primary Archetypes that have to do with the Cold and the Dark are the Warrior and the Magician.

All this Winter Arc stuff is about that.

Getting in shape when noone’s watching.

Getting yourself together, in service of a Vision that will work no matter how long it has to take; because you’re playing the long game, and you know it.

You know with certainty that your life now will never be the life you want if you aren’t acting like that person now.

Think of plants that grow tall, their leaves and fruits are called photo-tropic. They follow the light.

They need solid roots. Those roots are not in the warmth or the light of the sun. They grow down, which is called gravi-tropic. They do all the hard work, against the most resistance, in the dark, where they will never be appreciated.

If you don’t have a solid root system, get digging. The less you are willing to, the more you belong in the dirt.

People are Gods Masterpiece, you were still made from dust. Your Masterpiece will be made from dust. What makes you think you deserve better than the Creator?

Remember, we were made in that image - as a Creator.

A Designer, AND the Design.

And something that wasn’t perfectly clear to me until I heard it from Myron Golden:

God said “I AM.”

He’s the Original.

We’re made in that image - as Creators.

So we’re not a copy of the Original.

We’re an original, from the Original.

You know what that means?

It means that if you Create from a place of being less like you and more like Him:

Everything you make, will be an original, from an original, from an original.

Sraight from the Source, VIBRANT with energy.

Another aspect of this fear of the Dark is the unwillingness to chase what triggers you.

Think of the last time you freaked out and then either chose to focus on it and work to understand it - or sweep it under the rug.

Something Massara and I discuss often, in the Sub-conscious and Un-conscious, things appear to work backwards. From Effect to Cause. What goes down must come back up.

If you shove things down, they will grow and come back up with vigor. Simple observation proves that shoving things away and ignoring them is unsustainable. Any time you continue to do that in the hopes that it will work better is insanity.

Yet most people just defer blame and responsibility to others - yet all the reward apparently belongs to them.

You’re better than that.

And embracing that makes you a threat - to your obstacles.

It makes you formidable, and intimidating.

It makes you powerful, because even your greatest fears bow to you in respect - though they don’t like it, which feels even better.

You only need to realize that’s always been a part of your design, and ignoring that is just another thing keeping you from being whole.

This is the very serious, very difficult half of self-development work.

Without it, you may have a Vision, but you’ll have no Power.

You may have confidence, but you will have no progress.

If you claim to have ambition, but you aren’t going to prove beyond any so-called “probability” that you’re an Agent of something way bigger than you - you’re still just a kid, playing pretend.

The good news is, that Holy Darkness from the Holy Spirit inside of you is waiting on you.

And for better or worse, it’s also impatient.

It expects more from you, and it’s right.

You’re unstoppable, and it’s an act of arrogance to believe you’re not good enough - because the Creator in you is bigger than your mortal problems. Get over yourself.

If you’re ready to grow up and become what you were designed to become - welcome.

We meant it when we said you are unstoppable.

Live like it. Act like it. Not tomorrow. If you put it off now, you don’t deserve it at all.

Welcome to the Kingdom. You deserve to be here, and you deserve to exist in your absolute radiance.

We appreciate you.