013 - What Reality Are You Closest To?

Hey, you.

It’s been stated in Hebrew literature that - in the spirit world - before space and location were created, Proximity or nearness has more to do with similarity in “direction” than a location (and that ‘direction’ would really be mental or emotional states).

When people have many thoughts and ideas, or even different moods that change quickly, the term we use is that they’re ‘all over the place’.

Before physical creation, there was only Good (Kosmos) and Evil (parasite), and they were so unlike each other that spiritually they were like exact opposite directions. Good could never dominate over Evil if they’re never going to have a warzone to battle over. They could never touch.

So, the physical world was created so that single physical places, objects, people and even times could hold qualities of both. Only then, can Good Kingdom Ordered energy clean up and fix the impure and fractured qualities of the anti-Kingdom.

For us as people within the physical plane, spiritual proximity is still similarity in mental and emotional states.

For us to become near to God and His Kingdom, we have to behave more like Him and His Kingdom.

How does that work?

Recently in an interview held by Myron Golden, he mentioned:

“We feel most like God when we’re behaving most like God. What does that mean? Well, we feel peaceful, we feel powerful, and we feel present.” End quote.

THAT is why we were given the Devarim, the Commandments. God knows with perfect certainty how the self-image is intimately dependent on our experiences.

In Psychocybernetics by Maxwell Maltz, he mentions even in the preface of the book, that…

“Experiencing Is the Secret”

Here’s that page:

The self-image is changed, for better or worse, not by intellect alone, nor by intellectual knowledge alone, but by “experiencing.” Wittingly or unwittingly you developed your self-image by your creative experiencing in the past. You can change it by the same method.

It is not the child who is taught about love but the child who has experienced love that grows into a healthy, happy, well-adjusted adult. Our present state of self-confidence and poise is the result of what we have “experienced” rather than what we have learned intellectually.

Self-image psychology also bridges the gap and resolves apparent conflicts between the various therapeutic methods used today. It furnishes a common denominator for direct and indirect counselling, clinical psychology, psychoanalysis, and even auto-suggestion. All, in one way or another, use creative experiencing to build a better self-image.

Regardless of theories, this is what really happens, for example, in the “therapeutic situation” employed by the psychoanalytical school: The analyst never criticizes, disapproves, or moralizes, is never shocked, as the patient pours out his fears, his shames, his guilt-feelings, and his “bad thoughts”. For perhaps the first time in his life the patient experiences acceptance as a human being; he “feels” that his self has some worth and dignity, and he comes to accept himself, and to conceive of his “self” in new terms.

End Quote.

We need exposure to a reality outside of the bubble we’ve fabricated. Until we do, we simply cannot believe such a thing exists.

Bonus note, this is why faith matters.

Faith is Trust.

If you have trust issues, that’s because you’ve never been exposed to an environment you could count on to be stable no matter what.

No matter what anyone ever tells you, Faith is never blind, it is always with reason. According to a great rabbinical commentary on the first three times the word steadfastness (faith) was used in Exodus, the three non-negotiable anchors of Faith are Compassion, Understanding, and Power.

Compassion is:

I need to know you truly love me and have my best interest at heart, no matter what that may cost you.

Understanding is:

I need to know you intimately see and know my perspective and desires and that YOU know what is in my best interest.

Power is:

I need to know that you can do something about it.

If any of those three are missing, Faith is without foundation.

You cannot expect people to have faith in you if…

  • You understand them and exactly what they need and you genuinely go out of your way to support them - but you’re ultimately powerless in their lives.

  • You understand them inside & out and you can easily afford to bend the world in their favor but they don’t feel that you love them.

  • Or if you clearly have the means to help and you love them more than anything in the world but you’ve never listened to what THEY need, and they feel that you always assume and don’t care to ask or know them better.

Another coach of mine, Taylor Welch, After having read and been inspired by Psychocybernetics - has expressed that anything that we either believe or don’t believe is entirely due to our exposure and proximity to whatever “proves” that belief. It doesn’t have to be true, it just has to be seemingly true enough to believe it, and then everything we see will be confirmation-biased right in to a bucket that “proves” that belief is right.

Exposure and proximity to defeating things, events and people with a heavy dose of judgement thrown in will make us feel and believe defeated and weak thoughts. We will say “I’m not being negative, it’s just the truth.”


Empowering things, however, are always the full picture. Period. Anything that is defeating or negative is your perspective falling drastically short of the “reality” you say you’re observing; you’re in a bubble - and even worse - most people start to IDENTIFY with their bubble and defend it instead of decide to actually be open-minded like they’re so proud of. It is never being “completely realistic” to say something defeating, negative or harmful about yourself or others. Any time you open your bubble to the Truth of the whole world, you’re free again.

Exposure and proximity to the full picture will have those empowering beliefs show up again, and we realize that judgement itself is a part of the bubble.

Every time we judge our exposure or our proximity, we’re already slipping back into that bubble.

So -

Exposure and Proximity, without judgement

…will always be all the proof we need to believe anything we choose to believe.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you you don’t get to choose what you believe - even if that person is your parasite trying to drag you down again. Yes, you may have an unhealthy environment, but you always have more options and opportunities than you’re aware of. You don’t feel trapped because you ARE trapped, you feel trapped because it’s all you see in your bubble.

Relating this to recent coaching calls I’ve been a part of…

It may FEEL that your goals are distant from where you are now, but what some people call “Quantum Leap” meditation - is just envisioning you and your own ideal behaviors in some time in the future, we can say ten years; and then acting more like that. Most people would not believe how simple and effective that practice can be on a regular basis.

Ont thing that, for me at least, is a HUGE motivating factor regarding that ten year future goal post is that it stays ten years in the future.

MY capacity to envision what ten years from now looks like WILL GROW as I develop too, and if we can see and start acting on those things now? A MONTH is a long enough time to establish new habits - so you better believe a year is more than enough time to become just like you imagine yourself to be in ten years.

If every year you’re becoming who you’d be in ten years, then in ten real years of that practice, you’ve advanced by at least a hundred.

The point is…

Not to get obsessed with cheating time and doing more than the world appears to allow - but more that isolating your Kingdom vision and then acting as-if RIGHT NOW is what will literally make life “on earth, as it is in heaven”.

God knew how the self-image worked. He knew the creative capacity he gifted us and exactly how to make the most of it.

That means that to make the most of it, we need to keep our eye on not only what we want or what we can do to get it, but WHO we can become in time (Hint: all my previous episodes have been on just that).

I give you my word:

It is real if you start speaking and acting like it.

Exercising YOUR Sovereignty as a Shepherd is Acting As-If on your own. If you know you don’t have that developed yet, do everything you can to change your Exposure and Proximity to take care of that for you on auto-pilot.

I want nothing more than to see that become real in your life too.

If you need help with that for yourself, your family, or your team, reach out to us. Our socials and contact details are in the show notes, and my email is [email protected]

That’s all for this entry.

We appreciate you.