012 - What is the Fruit of Fruitfulness?

Hey, you.

Face the Sun.

Look for the Gold.

The reason we’ve started with the Kingdom, the Crown, the Sovereign, the Sun, and Gold is because they’re really five allegories for one Archetype underneath. They embody the most archetypal qualities of life, vitality, power, spiritual illumination, and metamorphic unfolding in most (if not all) traditions and frameworks.

“The Gold” is Wisdom.

In Hebrew, there are wonderfully nuanced and deliberate definitions for the three words Knowledge, Understanding, and Widsom.


…is binary. On a metaphorical level, Knowledge is the ACCESS TO models that give DICHOTOMIES (black and white extremes) for a better Understanding of the space in between the extremes.


…is internalizing the models you’ve been shown and keeping that digested, usable lesson for later. (Notice, I said use…able. Not currently being used. Capacity, yes. Reality, no.)


…is the quote-unquote “deep inner knowing” that comes from having a rich tapestry of Understanding PLUS its application. There is no Wisdom in only Understanding without doing - which means Wisdom does not exist if it’s not real in the present.

I’ve mentioned this once before but it’s worth expanding on here. The Sefer Yetzirah, the Book of Formation, illustrates that Understanding is like the plumbing and Wisdom is like the water. Noone cares about the plumbing once its’ in place, we only care for the result, or the fruit, of the plumbing.

If you have Knowledge but no Understanding (like knowing where a source of water is, but having no plumbing), you have to GO TO the water source every time to get what you need. With Understanding, you have the plumbing in place to turn on the Wisdom wherever you are.

Two critical things to get here, are:

  1. That the water is useless if it does not sustain life (i.e. if noone drinks it, then for all intents and purposes you have none.) And…

  2. You take part in your Understanding, but the Wisdom is always a gift. Wisdom is the single most private thing in the human experience, but - like water - you have to remember it is still not yours. You do not deserve the credit for creating the water or the gold, you’re just the current holder. You facilitated its delivery; and we need to remember that the delivery can always get more and more effective.

This is why “The Gold” is so hard to get to; there’s a lot of digging and sifting involved.

We also call it THE Gold because it is not your Gold or my Gold. Its’ permanence and Truth speaks for itself, and it will remain exactly what it is, under all conditions.

Unlike physical gold however, when we share the True Gold of Wisdom, we are NEVER diminished by having given it away freely. We make the world a richer place by having generated True Gold from what was nothing.

This shows up when books are published or notes are shared and we realize that anyone can share their notes; but no matter how well communicated or illustrated, you may not share the full richness of your inner world - but you can build a system to help others receive from the same waters.

Fertility vs Fruitfulness

Just a heads up, you’re probably going to laugh with how many times I say the word fruit. I’m warning you now.

Fertility is potential fruitfulness. Fertile soil produces nothing on its’ own. Even genetically perfect and environmentally optimized fruit trees that have not reached maturity are not fruitful.

Fruitful itself means you harvest a benefit; and Gold represents the benefit of all benefits.

In ancient Rome and Greece, gold was considered to be the solified rays of the sun itself landing on the earth and turning into a metal by the earths fruitful nature. There’s no greater physical representation for the fruit of fruitfulness than pure gold.

Your Words are your Economy

Just as last article is titled, “How much do words really weigh?”, our intent was to show you that you can only speak with as much authority as the Kingdom you’re yielded to.

The Truth is that Orders of Wisdom are the currency of the Kingdom you speak from. Gold is heavy, so your words absolutely need to have some serious weight if you want to represent your Kingdoms’ economy with integrity.

Next is Reward, plainly.

The vast majority of the wealthiest people in the world are business owners.

To own a business, there is significant risk involved, and most businesses fail.

Just as we’ve expressed that the Sovereign is the Shepherd of the Archetypes, that also encompasses a massive element of shouldering the risk that comes along with the Sheep you care for.

Shepherding is not for everyone.

Neither is wealth.

Wealth - Gold - is reserved for the people who will build the plumbing for both themselves and others.

I’ve heard before that you need to have a serious crazy-element to you, to build a business knowing you’re the one responsible for all your employees’ paychecks and keeping their kids fed. That’s not just something you drop when it’s inconvenient; that responsibility is a cross that only business owners bear.

Objectively, the people with the most wealth are the people who have provided the most value for others; regardless of where their heart is. “You will know them by their fruits” - however regardless of the sweetness or bitterness of our fruit, we’re always rewarded in direct proportion to THE VOLUME of our fruitfulness - unfortunately not always the quality.

Bill Gates, for better or worse, created significantly more value for the world than Mother Theresa.

He also took significantly higher risk throughout his life, or else he would never have had the opportunities he got.

The ONLY concept of profit is always due to risk.

And I mean profit, not just wages. Wages are paid to the people who work for Shepherds. It was designed this way beecause Shepherds deserve the profit if they’re willing to make everything work without a safety net.

If you’re one of the Sheep who feel bitter about how little you’re paid - become more valuable and accessible so others would happily trade their money for more of you in their lives.

That’s pretty self-explanatory, I believe for now that’s all for Gold.

Next article we’ll be changing the theme a bit.

That’s all for now, we appreciate you.