011 - What do words really weigh?

Hey, you.

Today we’re going over the Archetypal, some would say mythical, Massara and I would say psycho-spiritual foundation of existence.

True Being IS complete fullness.

Being is the tranquil, flawless presence of God. It’s the foundation of all reality - both physical and spiritual.

If everything that exists is rooted in Being, everything needs permission straight from that Source to exist - including us…

However, with us, since we were designed and made as Creators, but with free will - that means we need to come to “know thyself” so that we awaken and stay in the Creator state we were born to fulfill; just like we do with children.

Children are known for being constantly in a state of innocent Wonder and Play, closest to God, with the tradeoff that for the most part they’re powerless to make much change in the world.

As adults, we’ve inherited the mantle of responsibility for the beautiful and abused world we inherit; but we lose that very state of Wonder that’s worth changing the world to be more like.

The goal is to grow up to claim our Power, AND keep the Wonder and (really connection to Life itself) that makes life worth living.

“if those who lead you say to you, ‘See, the Kingdom is in the sky’, then the birds of the sky will precede you.

If they say to you ‘it is in the sea’, then the fish will precede you.

Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you.

When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living Father.

But if you will not know yourselves, you dwell in poverty and it is you who are that poverty.

That underlying fabric of absolute Certainty and power is our birthright.

Being, is Kosmos. Kosmos is the Kingdom above, and what is bound on Earth, will be bound in Heaven. We were born with the capacity to touch and understand both Heaven and Earth, and make the most of everything we were given.

We were not made to stay ignorant. We have a season of childhood so that we’re irreversibly exposed to the reason for life itself, and we’re given the rest of our lives to figure it out.

As we’ve mentioned, the GOAL is always to claim our ownership and align with the Archetype of the Sovereign - and the METHOD is always to remember to Face the Sun.

We will eventually move out of the topic of the Sovereign in these episodes, but we’re sharing about Being because you need a solid foundation to point to - kind of a North Star - or even better, the Sun.

Now, the Universe was spoken into being.

This starts us off solidly with the topic of…


As we’ve discussed, all Order and Life is a manifestation of Kosmos.

The Crown is a symbol of that Kosmos, so wearing the Crown is choosing to live in a state that is yielded to the absolute best of what the Kingdom Above can make of us.

Being-slash-fullness knows with perfect clarity and Certainty, that the world is a better place with a higher concentration of Being.

To make the kingdom here below more like the Kingdom above, we have to take actions in the form of a “Chain of Command” so that we - as representatives of better judgement - can have that Will created and acted on in the world.

When we’re in that state, we can effortlessly and with conviction cause the world around us to Be as well. That is - to be, on Earth, as it is in Heaven.

So - the Sovereign gives Orders, to bring more Kosmic Order to the world on the Sovereigns behalf.

Since we can only be in one place at a time, the one thing that can be leveraged is the Word. Spoken, or written.

This is why our words have so much power. They are the Orders given into the world from a place of Being. Being, in and of itself always is, this moment, eternally into what we call the past and future; but Being and Becoming for us only happens in time. God said, and I’m paraphrasing to capture the first and third person nuances of Hebrew as God spoke to Moses - “MY NAME is I AM. Only I may call myself that name. When you or anyone else refers to me, you say, HE IS.”

And we’re made in THAT image. Whatever you say of yourself becomes true, whether it’s reflected in self-image psychology, or in spirituality. You are what you say you are. The words “I Am…” are the single most concentrated Sovereign-imbued statement you could ever make. If you say ‘I am growing’, you’re a growing person. If you say ‘I am sorry’, you’re a sorry person. Be very careful with your identity.

Now, before we move on there’s an even greater power here.

The Sovereign, or the Shepherd is also the only Archetype responsible for others, their Sheep.

Most people do not have any idea they hold a Crown in their back pocket, so they still live like Sheep and cannot override or challenge the Orders (or disorders) given to them, especially about their identity.

We know the Sovereign cultivates the best in others and wants everyone to know they have a Crown and deserve to own it and wear it daily. We turn many Sheep into Shepherds, and we don’t ever force the rest of them. We as Kings and Queens are always at peace with whatever anyone else decides. We’re still, unconditionally going to support and cultivate the best in others to help them feel like they have a right to exist as fully as they can.

That brings us to the greatest form of Ordering for all the people in our sphere of influence -


Not all validation is warm, like it needs to be. Cold validation is clinically called mirroring, and is broadly worthless. Warm validation is called Blessing.

Complements are generally surface level (horizontal), and can be cold or warm.

Cold and shallow means Warrior - the one who DOES. Warrior complements are:

  • “You’ve exceeded your average sales this month, fantastic.”

  • “I see you chose the red car, that’s good for business.”

Warm but still shallow means Lover - the one who PLAYS. Lover complements are:

  • “You look great in those colors, I’d love to see you wear more stuff like that.”

  • “You nailed it at the audition, I can’t wait to see next week be even better!”

Cold and distant means Magician - the one who SEES.

Now that we’re looking at the distant ones, that also means deep. These apply to YOU, not just what you have or what you do at the shallow level. These are not just complements, these are considered validation because they’re much deeper. Magician validation is:

  • “I saw when they said that, you acted okay, but I saw you underneath. Are you okay?”

  • Or even just when you say something funny at a party but noone else heard it and that one person with Magician energy looks at you and smiles to let you know they heard it and it was funny.

Finally, Warm and deep validation from the Sovereign quarter - the one who IS - is what’s called Blessing. It has to do with who you are as a person, and it’s an energy that makes you feel deeply loved and appreciated at a soul level. Sovereign validation is:

  • “You don’t have to ask me if I’m always there for you - test me. I’m there for you because I’m proud of you who are and I support you with my life.”

  • “You matter. You can even blow up in my presence and I’ll never take it personally. I’m grounded, and if you’re with me, I will bring out the best in you.”

Now - the secret in true Blessing is that you’re MAKING SOMEONE FEEL like they deserve to exist. You’re acting as an ambassador of the Most High, even if you’re an atheist and this is just a concept to you. The psychological reality still permanently applies.

You are giving them the permission to seek noone elses’ permission ever again, and to help them realize they have a Crown and they’d be much better off if they wore it daily, despite its weight and being seen as a target for envy and hate. This Crown cannot be stolen, but they can make you take it off. Guard your pearls.

As a bonus note here within the topic of Blessing; eye contact is also so intense because - as the windows to the soul - our eye contact shows our Sovereignty, Identity, and Authority. It shows our position, in our soul. It proves its self-worth, in an instant. We all have it available. That is why eye contact for children is such a critical factor in their development, they need to feel that they’re seen. That follows us into adulthood, especially for those who were never seen by someone they look up to.

Next, we’ll talk about Power.

There’s a saying I love. I cannot find the person to attribute it to, but I vaguely recall also having seen something just like it in the book “Power! How to get it, How to use it” by Michael Korda.

Quote: “If you cannot set your power down and pick it back up again, it was never yours.”

Most people will always be afraid of setting their rented power down and not being able to pick it back up again - never having the slightest idea that the very insecurity keeping you clinging to it, is the proof you don’t deserve it. The confidence in being able to pick it back up after you set it down is the actual power behind the facade of your borrowed authority.

Power and control are not about exerting yourself or your influence over others as an extension of you. Massara has pointed out to me, that demonstrates your subconscious need to overpower yourself by force as well; a.k.a. you can’t trust yourself because you’re insecure and have never had a role model for real leadership or authority - so you try to make up for in volume, what you lack in self esteem or substance.

When you insist that other people in the world (other cells in the body) behave or become exactly like you, you become a cancer in that body. The body needs variety, not more of you.

So real control, Authority and power, are having the self-worth to not be bothered when someone is fully themselves, and having the restraint over yourself to also DEMONSTRATE what that secure identity looks like - which, then, prompts others to model you and do the same for themselves with their own free will; Which is the only sustainable way to lead people.

Real power, becomes a magnet for people willing to do the same thing. People either decide to fall in line and do the same, cultivating the best in others of their own free will - or they cannot stand it and they leave; full of envy and hatred.

And again, we like to always tie it back into the foundation of each episode: BEING is the source of your Authority and Power. Remember the root word for Authority is author. The author is the one Ordering the narrative, and putting the Vision together. We’re world-builders and designers.

In the next article we’re gonna share more about the richness and immortality of Gold.

After that, I believe we’ve set a really solid foundation to move onto the others of the Four Quarters and connect them back to the centerpoint.

For the meantime though, we both really hope this is serving you, your family and your workplace in a way you didn’t know was possible. We’ve always had a gift for challenging that in people - and if you’re a leader in business and need someone to coach you and/or your team, I’d love to hear from you. Our contact information is in my bio.

Until next time, we appreciate you.