009 - Does the Crown make the King?

Hey you.

Now that Kosmos and Sacrifice are set in place, we can expand on the divine signature of the Sovereign. The highest of the Four Quarters.

Everything we’ve spoken about up until now has been leading up to the smaller, but most Holy, Archetype of the Crown - that lies within the Archetype of the Sovereign.

The Crown

…acts as the representation of the Axis, the umbilical cord, from the raw Gold and circular wholeness of the Kingdom above (Kosmos), flowing down through the Sovereign into the Throne and its’ people, the kingdom below.

It is the Sovereign individuals responsibility to WEAR the Crown, the ideal of Kosmos - the Kingdom Above - above their own thoughts and desires, at all times.

Doing so makes the Sovereign individual the bridge between God and the World, acting as His Word.

(And if we’d like to include gendered polarities, The King acts as the feminine principle to God, and receives the Word to then bring it to life in the kingdom below. The Queen, acts as the feminine principle on Earth, to the King; receiving from him and handling the kingdom below, at an even lower altitude - better than the King himself can. This is why the congregation is considered the wife of God, bringing his Word to the kingdom below through nurturing and kindness and love - and letting God handle all the stuff it’s better we don’t.)

We’ve mentioned the METHOD and process of all self-development is, to remember to “Face the Sun”, and then to “Act as-if” you were the person you’re becoming.

Both really mean to wear the Crown.

To Face the Sun is to not forget the weight of your constant sacrifice on your head (gold is heavy lol) and Acting as-if is to ACT on that ideal without hesitation.

If those are the METHOD and PROCESS - that means the GOAL of ALL self-development, however, is becoming more like the Archetype of the Sovereign. Period. This is not opinion.

This will be weird for most of you…

But the foundation of all Judeo-Christian beliefs are the mystical, Archetypal symbolism of the Hebrew Letters. They’re said to be what made the Universe, and that includes the mind. They’re the 22 absolute parameters. Our computers are binary, and our DNA is a double-helix; so that makes the universe and the mind a 22-inary 22nd helix lol

The topic today is a lot like the letter Hei.

ה Hei is the fifth letter, with a value of five (go figure).

ה Hei has two parts, the right side is a ד Dalet, the left foot is a י Yod.

ד Dalet

Dalet is the letter just before Hei, symbolizing the number four, a doorway, and poverty.

Regarding the number four, Dalet acts as a map or coordinate system, using the X and Y Axes

This Newsletter is a coordinate system for you readers, and is the Crown, acting as the object that sits on your mind to help you Face the Sun.

The Archetypes themselves are a doorway to the richness of Life they facilitate - but if WE are not the “Fifth element” so to speak as a recipient of all that power, they’re worthless.

That’s the Crown. The Crown without a Sovereign to wear it is worthless.

י Yod

The Yod on Hei’s left side is disconnected from the Dalet it’s paired with, and that Yod is also the physically and visually smallest letter, meaning it’s the MOST SPIRITUAL letter - giving substance to the poverty, Dalet, it’s been attached to.

I picture the Yod being the visually smallest letter, because looking at the Z-Axis from our point of view is like getting the tip of your pencil and poking a hole through the paper. That is what is represented by action. Our actions go beyond just the coordinates on the map of thought and speech, and they pierce through the map into the true landscape. We leave marks on the world when we take action.

ה Hei

Hei then is the actualization of becoming more like the Archetypes that comprise the Kingdom we’re both receiving from, and the one we’re serving here below.

Hei, and the Sovereign are the fullest embodiment of the Axis where the Crown above and the Throne below meet. The Sovereign is the Axis between them. The Action taker. The Spirit, the Yod.

We, in acting more like the Sovereign, hold the ideal of Kosmos above our own interests at all times, we SACRIFICE ourselves to it with every breath, knowing We are the Kingdoms’ property, and we become blessed with the presence of God in everything we Are, Do, Say, and Have.

And the Throne is the lower kingdom below. This is ALSO the one we serve, but it would be a massive and dangerous misunderstanding to sacrifice ourselves to the kingdom below and become ITS property. The kingdom below does not run off of the Law from the Kingdom Above. It CRAVES to, but it only can THROUGH US when we become the anchor that the Kingdom Above can flow down through.

We cannot be the FULL Archetype, nor should we ever strive to. That’s like loving the light from the Sun and deciding to fly straight into it. We are the Axis, we’re the action, the fifth principle that brings the fullness of the four Archetypes to life - and BECOMING more like the HEALTHY Sovereign by prioritizing a healthy orbit, helps make sure that’s not just possible - but unavoidable.

In the next episodes we’ll share more traits of the Sovereign, and how to Act on them.

We appreciate you.