008 - Sacrificing..."Sacrifice"?

Hey, you.

We wanted to expand on the Sacred for this article, but that will take a lot longer time than the week I have to publish this; and the really potent parts, we mentioned last article about the Kingdom.

However, as it is, we noticed the point of knowing about the Sacred (or any wisdom for that matter) is to simply trust it, and then doing what we can at the application level.

So, I’d like to skip ahead and talk about what we can directly apply to our lives. Even then, just the basics might take a few articles, but I did my best to cover it all in this one.

This is a quote from Robert Moore

In his lecture, The Archetype of Sacrifice, part 2, at 19 minutes in.

“You’ve got to get conscious about your sacrificial process. This was [Edward] Edingers whole thing.

“You’ve got to get conscious about living, continually, in an awareness of the Great Presence; and how you’re going to relate to it. What does it require, to relate to it?

“So - the Jungian point of view has helped us to get a sense that, this is not just primitive superstition; ‘becoming modern’ won’t make this go away; people that engage in sacrificial process are not just ‘those primitives over there’; it’s everybody.

“Everybody engages in sacrificial process. The only distinction is not whether you do it, it’s how CONSCIOUS of it, are you - about what your sacrificial process is; and if you became conscious of it, what would you want to change about [that relationship]?

“In other words, how would you improve the creativity of the particular stance toward sacrificial process toward the Archetypal Self, that you can make?”

That is what sparked writing this, this week.

And for those who are curious, when he said Edinger, he meant Edward Edinger - the steward of a bunch of great wisdom, and the author of one of my absolute favorite books, Ego and Archetype. We’ll make a number of episodes on his work in time, as well.

Now, I’m going to rant about compromise.

When just about anyone in the modern world hears the word ‘sacrifice’, they’ve been taught to think of COMPROMISE.

I am not exaggerating to say this is a disservice to the world, because the meaning of something with so much beauty and value to our lives that it’s hard to process has been veiled behind something of considerably lesser value.

Compromise - at best - is applying mutually serving boundaries in a loving and healthy relationship.

But for the vast majority of examples, it’s only resourcefulness to ‘get by’ in a world of lack, where the sum of someone’s benefit is always at the cost of others.

That is NOT the same as sacrifice.

Real sacrifice is to nurture a life WITHOUT lack, without compromise.

Just like Massara pointed out in article 4 about Life being forever giving, Life itself is not going to compromise the law of free will, to selectively provide life to some and not to others. That’s not the spirit of Giving; which is Life; which is Love.

And when you are humble enough to accept that your survival instincts and poverty mindset are not the law of the whole Universe, you move out of a space of compromise, and you are willing to consider that “IF there is this ‘Kosmos’, which is inherently Good and Creative and Giving in the Universe, and I play according to its’ rules to invite it into my life, and it’s in favor of free will, to better facilitate aligning with this Grand Goodness on purpose - then doesn’t it make a whole lot of sense to just yield to it?”

This is what it means when the Bible says “where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom.” - 2 Corinthians 3:17

It’s the opposite of being a slave; because being so-called “free” in any OTHER environment outside of this universal inherent free-will-encouraging raw goodness…is captivity.

So, to clear the air…

Let’s actually look at the definition.

Sacrifice means ‘to make Sacred’.

It comes from the Latin sacer, meaning “holy”, and facere, “to make”.

Psychologically, something is given to a god, and made the property of that god; and whether that purpose is religious or not, sacrifice is always used in the context of gladly giving something up for a higher purpose.

There are two flavors of Sacrifice observed in most cultures throughout history.

Negative Sacrifice is surrender. It was usually at night time for the nasty hostile spirits, pleading for them to stay away…

And Positive Sacrifice is yielding. It was always at day time, to invite and make friends with the creative, nurturing spirits.

The offerings given to the dark spirits were almost always completely burned; because it’d be much worse to GIVE an offering and still be seen as so arrogant that it wasn’t complete - which would invite chaos and revenge.

However, the offerings given to the light spirits were often shared. It seemed that in the perspective of the high self-esteem good gods, they were honored that these mortals would gladly give the best of what they had to cultivate a relationship with them, and so blessed them with a magnitude of what they offered in return; as well as allowing them to take for themselves certain parts of the offering and only burning the rest.

So to make a long story short, since we care a lot about getting more good stuff, less bad stuff, and the process of Sacrifice is already inevitable, we should learn to optimize it! Giving as much as possible while maintaining stability is THE process then.

To make this useful to us, there are three visible elements there:

  • Gladly

  • Giving

  • To make Holy

And then a fourth, the invisible aspect, which is a game-changer.

First is Gladly.

The QUALITY of the sacrifice is in whether or not it’s willing. The PAYMENT ITSELF is in your attitude of giving, and the gift is simply the proof. The item is the cherry on top.

Have you ever heard “It’s not WHAT you said, it’s HOW you said it”?

Or have you ever received a gift you knew was - best case scenario, careless? The gift itself was worth a lot less, even to the point of not wanting it.

Then, in contrast, even very simple gifts that were hand-made with plenty of imperfections and Love are worth infinitely more and are highly treasured.

Next is Giving.

We’ve also discussed giving in article 4, and that Giving is the substance of Love, which is the verb of Life. Life is not a thing, it is a giving-ness. We can see this with the examples of stable Love and affection being the most critical component to raising healthy children - and, in contrast, how people with Narcissistic traits feed on others’ adoration. Both PROVE how highly treasured Love is, and that not getting or giving Love is like holding your breath.

Then let’s talk about “Holy”

…and super-impose the word perfect. Another collective misunderstanding is in the stagnant, dead, useless concept of what we call ‘perfection’ that we hold, without much question.

Like last article, we mention that real perfection is the concept of the Kingdom, and that it’s a direction; not a goal post. (Funny how God told us not to make “wooden asherah pillars” for idol worship, and we’re still here three and a half thousand years later, worshipping goal posts.)

Perfection in its beautiful fullness and reality is a constant, unstoppable state of improvement. It is alive.

When we visualize “the one image” of perfection and become paralyzed by it being unattainable, we’re worshipping something that is not alive.

How can we even offer the best-slash-perfect sacrifice if we don’t have an abundance of RESULTS to choose from, due to our willingness to accept and cultivate imperfection?

So, that’s Holy. Lively constant improvement; for the sake of application.

How do we give even more?

If you remember mini-chapter 3 in article 6 (like anyone is going to remember a small detail like that. I don’t. I had to check.) I mentioned the ORDER with which to create in the world we were given, is to first BE the person who can - DO what you want to accomplish, so you can - HAVE what you want and need, to do it all over again. We’re given the desire to HAVE, to prompt us to BECOME more.

And if you’ve already caught where I’m going with this, kudos.

Throughout history, people sacrifice what they HAVE so their THINGS become Gods property and they’re blessed with an abundance in return.

Significantly less often, people sacrifice what they DO so their ACTIONS become Gods property and they’re blessed with greater skill and experience in return. (experience, both, in quality - and experiences, in number).

And the most precious of all, people sacrifice who they ARE so their IDENTITY and everything in their life becomes aligned with the Sovereign - they’re blessed with greater identity, and greater authority in return - to enable paying forward that blessing to other people who don’t have that sacrificial relationship. Both the giver and receiver become blessed with greater Life; and the giver gets Heavens affiliate commission on top of that, feeling even greater purpose and meaning in life; plus, greater skill, greater experience, and better things, since it all trickles down.

So - The fourth component.

Gladly giving to make Holy, is, drumroll…a state of consciousness. It is as simple as a change of Mind, which makes a change of Heart. The effect is instant.

“Wait, so - how many sacrifices do I have to make for it to work?”

Well, how many breaths do you have to take for your blood to be oxygenated?

Do you see how that’s the wrong question?

It’s alive.

It’s constant, and it’s instant.

So - if the question is “how many” - the tongue-in-cheek answer is “Yes. More.”

And on one hand, that breeds a sense of resentment, which I understand.

But that’s only because it’s so easy to forget how good it is.

Why is it - that despite us breathing all the time, yawning feels so good?

And after a day of hard work, do you ever get tired of going to sleep in a warm, soft bed?

“Well dang it, I have to eat food I love again.” Are you serious?

You’ve done these so many times before, but we don’t acknowledge that it is good because it’s alive. It’s never finished.

That’s the bright side of the Infinite Game. We play, to play. We participate because we can. That’s perfection. That’s Holy, and THAT - is Sacrifice.

We yield ourselves to the Kingdom, every instant. The WORD, becomes flesh.

Its’ abundance flows through us because WE are the Kingdoms property; and that is by far the most valuable Sacrifice and reward we could possibly have.

We yield our own desires and visions to that of the greatest intelligence that has better plans than what we could ever imagine for ourselves in a million years.

Here’s a bonus.

In my life, recording how this process has gone, I’ve been shown we ARE given the blessing to SEE what our blessings and the Kingdoms Vision are, once we yield to it (before we know what it is).

Funny enough, it hit me when I was watching the Dreamworks movie The Prince of Egypt.

We yield our eyes to Heaven, and we see life through Heavens Eyes.

In a conversation with God about how uncomfortable having those new Eyes is, I felt Him responding:

“I promise you’ll get the hang of it. They’re the Eyes I built you to see with. I love you, and keep looking. You got this. You’ll go even bigger in no time, you always do.”

And if nothing else, this Newsletter is our testament to the kind of things Massara and I have been gifted to see.

And of course, always paying it forward.

We appreciate you.