005 - Extremes or balance??

Hey, you

Let’s recall when Massara and I mentioned: everything about the models we’re embracing are expressed and explained by analogy and images. None of this is literal.

The KNOWLEDGE of each Archetype is binary, and this means first-principles. This is because if you understand the extremes, it’s easier to identify them later and figure out the best response.

That being said - the HEALTHY APPLICATION of an Archetype is never binary. For example: when we say THE Warrior, we’re referring to concentrated, absolute, Warrior energy in the psyche and in the universe; NOT the human warrior using this energy. The Warrior (energy) is about setting and enforcing boundaries, and is focused entirely on resolve and effectiveness. I promise I’ll expand on this a lot more, those traits go very deep.

And I thought I had mentioned this in previous episodes, but I’m not seeing it anywhere - it must have been in a draft I deleted.

This is not popular, but the intent underlying the creation of this newsletter and our accompanying podcast is that we crave to know the Mind of God. We would not have been made in His image and given a mind and a heart to follow and imagine and seek him if this was not something we were called to strive for.

I personally feel that the four primary Archetypes are the four faces of the Holy Spirit.

I’d expand on that now, but that’s missing the point and I’ll get around to it anyway.

What I’ve learned through partnerships, which then applies to this field in self-development, is that…

No healthy, mature human relationship can be unconditional.

I don’t care for your opinion.

There is overwhelming, bulletproof evidence of this truth.

Whether it’s friendships, partnerships, or family-ships; the delusion of UNCONDITIONAL support and forgiveness is such an unbelievably vast source of resentment and hatred in the world and it needs to be addressed.

Archetypal energy itself does not have morals or conditions, it is up to us to use what we’re given appropriately. That’s the function of this podcast; the Golden Path, the Middle Pillar, etc.

When people do not have clarity around the use of each of these Archetypal relationships they’re building, there’s almost always some degree of misuse and abuse; and that can never be good. There’s no clarity or moderation, and everything unravels and becomes this demonic mess of insecurity and cruelty toward ourselves and/or others.

So the point of exploring the extremes is for context, so the map you have of the complete landscape of your Soul has very clear outer edges, that you learn to subsequently fill in and develop and master. The real journey is finding your Center, once you have the extremes mapped. This Center with a capital “C” is the groundedness and contentment we feel when everything is just right. The Center of the universe, so to speak.

There are many points that serve as smaller…well, points, (not centers) where energy FEELS enlightened, healthy and balanced - but because they’re not the Center-point, there are still blind spots. (And I’ll remind you, blind-spots are sore spots. We don’t believe that we’re not aware of that area, so we hurt people who point it out because it’s infected and we don’t want to go there.)

Those are dangerous, they’re really holding you back more than anything. Having a poor grasp of your self-image and then landing on any of these “off-centers” is what is responsible for manic episodes, in people who struggle with dysregulated mood. Because of a poor regulation and the fact those blind spots are huge, it’s not sustainable and is always followed by an equally crippling depressive episode to keep them from frying in the presence of all that energy.

At that real Center though…

…is access to what other researchers like Mircea Eliade call the “Axis Mundi”, the flow of life from the “Kosmos”, the Kingdom Above - to us, the Kingdom Below.

Kosmos is the grand, beautiful, perfect and orderly clockwork of the universe, both in the spirit world and the manifest, material world. The Axis Mundi, the “bellybutton” of the world is where that flows.

When Jesus would speak of the Kingdom, that’s Kosmos. It’s just a more neutral analogy I like to use because many Christians have burned a lot of non-Christians out when they over-use the word Kingdom. I also use the letter K because cosmos with a “C” is obviously more often used for space, not the concept we’re discussing.

Since - in the Kingdom - live the highest, healthy balanced forms of all the things we eventually experience here on Earth - we’re going to make the distinction between the agnostic energy of an Archetype, and the so-called “Kosmic” foundational design for the most generative, mature and healthy application of that Archetype in our lives as human beings - to the best of both of our understanding, as we have come to know them. Reminder, I am NOT a licensed psychologist (nor is Massara, yet, as of this writing), this is not medical advice, and our word is not law. Do your own research please, I am likely wrong on a number of these examples and whatever comes of that inaccuracy is not on either of us.

Now, the juice of this episode: with 12 examples.

The Warrior energy - in excess (inflation) is called the Bully or Sadist.

It is hostile, offensive, and prides itself on leaving a sour impression on others, just for the sake of it. It loves demonstrating its superiority through bringing others down, by any means necessary. It has a profound insecurity and does everything it can to distract from that by overwhelming abuse of power.

The Warrior energy - in lack (negative inflation) is called the Coward.

It has no concept of defending its own boundaries, and is quick to run away and give up at the slightest sign of difficulty. It loves making itself look even weaker so it can play the victim and villainize the “bad guy”, justifying further “I’m the problem” complaining. This is a result of never having been “tested” so to speak, in a way that validated and affirmed their right to be seen as “rude” by others, for their own self-interest. This is a massive issue in most men today in the world, and the drive to improve it is why so many boys got hooked on Andrew Tate.

The Warrior energy - as designed (Kosmic) is called the true Warrior, or the Monk.

It has a firm grasp on ownership, action taking, and boundary setting. It does not feel any hesitation in properly teaching people how to behave around it, with respect and truth. It is never hostile, and never starts fights, but will always diffuse them so there’s no waste in the first place. Effectiveness comes very naturally, and could very well live by the quote from Teddy Roosevelt II - “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

The Magician energy - in excess (inflation) is called the Predator.

It is manipulative, ruthless, cynical and cruel. It prides itself on not simply demonstrating superiority like the inflated Warrior, but by creating elaborate traps that make their victims look and feel stupid and inferior; also quite often forcing them to admit it as well - adding insult to injury. This inflation is a result of Fear, and their acting-out is to mask this profound fear behind a delusion of absolute certainty and control over others because they can’t control themselves.

The Magician energy - in lack (negative inflation) - is called the Confused.

In the words of Rod Boothroyd, in his book Warrior, Magician, Lover, King: “This Shadow is powerlessness. It’s an avoidance of taking responsibility, the avoidance of being the Magician in charge of something important. This Shadow is characterized by a lack of energy, effort, power, or even real presence in the world. All this Shadow wants is enough power to interfere with those who are making forward movement in the world.”

The Magician energy - as designed (Kosmic) is called the true Magician, or the Priest.

It loves to tell beautiful stories that bring out the best in people and prompt them to embrace and develop the richness within themselves. It is a source of healing, clarity, higher paradigms and simpler peace. The Magician in its’ fullness has a much needed, surgical piercing vision through the masks people wear and the wounds they hold - and it acts as a magnifier of the wisdom in others, always showing them they need only to stay curious and keep seeking.

The Lover Energy - in excess (inflation) is called the Addict.

It loves to consume, until they die of overdose. There is no limit to what the inflated Lover energy will consume if given the chance. Think of celebrities and rockstars, living in limitless indulgence and dopamine overload. It starts with sugar, then into sex, then into drugs, then hard drugs, etc. The underlying issue they’re trying to face is to fill the GRIEF of the loss of meaning and purpose left in themselves when they were either weaned off of being breast-fed, OR in grieving what they deeply feel they never had, if they were bottle-babies. Since this always happens so young, this is very very often - if not always - the most deep wound one can have. (and this Lover wound is the ONLY Archetypal wound that uniquely applies to every person in the world for that reason. No other archetypal wound applies to all people. It’s also been studied to show that since boys also have to orient with what it means to be not-female-like-Mom, it’s significantly harder on them. They then have to count on Dad, and if he’s not there or he’s abusive, well; you get the broken world we have now. That’s also why most children with an absent or abusive Father have life-long issues with masculinity as well. Boys never learn who to be like - unless they stumble on a mistake like Andrew Tate, and girls never have a good example of who to fall in love with.)

The Lover energy - in lack (negative inflation) is called the Stoic or Lifeless.

It loves nothing. Nothing is interesting, nothing is beautiful or valuable or has any meaning. Everything is dull and gray. This distance from the Lover energy is usually what leads to counting too heavily on so-called “objective” measures of value, which is counting on the Ego space to provide meaning, when that’s not where it comes from at all. This sparks an interest in things like Nihilism in particular as well as Existentialism for an attempt to find meaning. Depressive philosophical approaches begin here, and if left unadressed, this can become a source of suicidal ideation and tendencies. Life itself feels lifeless, and neuro-chemical approaches are just a band-aid on the gaping wound. This is not an accident though, feeling this truly lifeless is a defense against feeling anything real or valuable, because the truth of life is that it’s overflowing with purpose and that’s terrifying. It’s easier to disconnect.

The Lover energy - as designed (Kosmic) is called the true Lover, or the Poet.

It Loves…and it loves, and it loves. The Lover finds beauty in everything, and is fully incapable of boredom. Personally I only get to this state after a dopamine detox, everything is fun, bad jokes are funny, food tastes better, and it’s easier to trust people. It’s like being high, but we were meant to stay here. Life itself is the proof that life is worth living, there’s a pervasive sense of wonder and opportunity and it’s not an exaggeration to say colors genuinely FEEL brighter. We just want to sit and soak in all this warmth, and it’s sustainable if we don’t get crazy with it and start indulging too much again. THIS is what people want when they say they’re just hoping for some day they can move away and “have a simple life.” Some great examples of writing that has been done in this energy are the works of Rumi.

The Sovereign Energy - in excess (inflation) is called the Tyrant.

The Tyrant wants to control absolutely everything. It wants to take credit for all the good things it’s done, and that others have done as well. This Tyrant energy wants more and more property to validate its rule, and it never gets better. It only wants to claim more, while doing less, and especially not by becoming any greater. It shouts the delusion of its grandeur, while remaining deeply wounded about never having been blessed or given the permission to move out of a shell that’s far too tight. They looked up to those who spoiled them and never placed obstacles to prompt real growth, or real becoming. They then think that must be true, and they’re perfect as they are, so they deserve the world. They become cruel, possessive, impatient, and have no regard for others Sovereignty. They do everything in their power to enslave and subject others, again, to validate their self-imposed proof that that’s their right to rule.

The Sovereign Energy - in lack (negative inflation) is called the Abdicate.

To abdicate means to give up all responsibility. The Abdicate does exactly that, and then some, volunteering their own authority and control. They willingly surrender their Sovereignty to others they feel can manage it better than they can, and have an overwhelming anxiety around the idea that they alone are the ruler of their life. Even worse however is when it’s fully unconscious and they allow their mother, father, wife, husband or family to make all the decisions. While the Tyrant craves undeserved ownership, the Abdicate gives up even the ownership of themselves and their situations that are rightfully theirs. This in my experience is because of parents who never affirmed or validated who the child was in the first place, and left them feeling that they themselves are not enough, permanently.

The Sovereign energy - as designed (Kosmic) is called the true King/Queen.

One beautiful foundation point of all true Sovereignty is that it always cultivates the Sovereignty in others. Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette have stated that the King alone, is the reflection of the whole kingdom, and that places the Sovereign as truly the highest of the four. If you’re familiar with the Last Airbender, the King is not simply the element of Fire as I’ve mentioned before - but the Avatar State, using a mastery of all four elements to serve the Kingdom and its people. It is a warmth beyond reason, it is a Grace we don’t deserve, it is the eye contact that truly sees us and blesses us for who we truly are and not just what we do or have. It is generativity, service, and a legacy that we know we’re called to fulfill in this life. It’s where our ambition comes from, and it’s connected to the divine Will that shows us real wisdom and the best cause of action. In all myth, the Archetype of the Sovereign existing is what CREATED a Kingdom in the first place, and that’s where the Center is. The Sovereign is always truly centered and cannot be bothered. The world is theirs to serve, as a true servant leader of all others in their Sovereignty, and in that, everyone is living in the fulfilled role they were born to fill.

For those of you who were reading this and have a hunch something is missing:

You nailed it, there’s one last part. The credit for this is Massaras, fully.

These are a web-work. They’re dynamic and inter-dependent; like a color wheel. EACH of the unbalanced representations is considered “bi-polar” in and of itself. In every Tyrant, is an Abdicate. In every Lifeless, there’s an Addict. They always swing, from one extreme, to the other - because every unhealthy energy is divided. It’s never just one. Only the healthy, is One.

And the kicker is that even in their healthy forms, they count on each other.

The resolved Warrior on the left, is only maturely embodied with equal traits from the appreciative Lover on the right, and vice versa. Imagine a fighter loving to dance.

The King and Magician count on each other as well. When you have TOO MUCH of one, you learn to lean on the other. They hold each other accountable, and when you have the map, you have a much better idea of how to correct for the path you’re on.

We hope this served you, we really wanted to kick this episode five off with some power, and to really leave you some deep stuff to chew on for the rest of the week.

Contact us with your questions, our Linktrees are in my description.

Talk to you next week.

And we appreciate you.