004 - What's the Parasite?

Hey, you.

In the last episode, we plotted out the analogical “locations” of the four primary archetypes of the psyche. Whether they’re only four paths of psychological and emotional development, or they’re an archetypal underlying energy that rules the universe is irrelevant. They’re observable and can be made to increase our fulfillment in life by working with them instead of against them.

Also, later we’re going to mention a concept Massara first called the Parasite. The credit for that and the nuances of this whole entry are attributed to her work. I’d have nothing to post if it weren’t for her insights.

Now, let’s do some analysis and set the stage for this episode.

“Time is Money”

False, what a gross saying.

Time is infinitely more valuable than money -

and what makes time valuable is energy.

Two examples:

  • you get to live for another thousand years, become a trillionaire, become a genius and live to see the reversal of global warming, but you’re bedridden and depressed the whole time; only further decaying and exerting influence on the world from behind a screen, increasingly unable to relate with anyone.

  • OR - You get to live like superman or an anime character for a week, feeling the energy of a god coursing through your veins, and you die a fulfilling death after that week, stopping the unjust end of the world or something else theatrical and final.

Which was more fulfilling? A ton of time with no energy or a surplus of energy with little time?

That is the premise of developing along these archetypal currents.

There is simply nothing in the world that compares. This is the presence of God, this is the rush experienced on stimulant drugs, this is it. Feeling alive.

And now that we have the context, here’s a short list of priorities, in order:

Energy - Time - Money

Life itself GIVES its Life freely, under the condition we pay it forward and give Life to others.

Life itself is both that energy, and the act of giving it.

…Just like being that light at the center of a lightbulb, both observable itself, AND the act of shining that light.

Really, they’re the same thing. We shine brighter when we give freely of ourselves and pay our abundance forward to both those who deserve it and those who don’t. That’s Grace, and that’s why I said previously that we don’t simply HAVE Life, we ARE Life.

Let’s look at some storytelling, here.

This is about how Energy flows and where it’s from, how to get more, and what becomes the problem.

The first, and the worst, sin - is pride. Jung calls this inflation, or narcissism. Robert Moore calls this “infantile grandiosity” - acting like a child with a god complex. It fits pretty well, if you’ve ever met narcissists.

Pride is not simply being full of yourself,

Inflation is being so “close to the Sun” so to speak, that you’re blind to how truly small you are, compared to where the energy is ACTUALLY coming from; what Jung calls the Self with a capital S - and what Robert Moore calls the Archetypes.

What MAKES an Archetype, truly, amidst all the conflicting information and others uninformed opinions: is that it’s radiating with an obscene amount of creative and destructive energy that is impossible to integrate all of. They’re the patterns of the entirety of the universe; so our job is to sip, not gulp.

That Life energy is without any competition, the single most addicting presence in the human experience. That is why we get hooked on the fixation we call Love, and drugs, and whatever else we lose ourselves in the presence of.

Now here’s where we introduce free will.

Imagine being able to bask in that Life energy, and being intelligent enough to see the whole universe for what it is, but being unwise enough to believe that - like a child - you “already know” how it all works and you could do it better yourself. You could be a better Life force.

You’d feel that because Lifes only rule is to pay it forward, that you can’t pay it forward or you’d still be in service of Life, and you don’t want to be in service of Life because that would be acknowledging its’ superiority to you. (And it simply is, you were created. There was a time before you and after you. You’re not the Source of it all.)

In the resentment of serving something greater than you, you decide NOT to pay Life forward, and to simply keep it for yourself. You used to BE Life because you were a part of it.

Now, Life, seeing there’s a Parasite in the Upper Kingdom, decides to cut it out and stop the flow of Life. (Killing the parasite would mean killing free will and that’s also against Life.)

The Parasite immediately stop feeling alive, and is only allowed to roam in the Lower Kingdom.

There are other little creators in this Lower Kingdom, who don’t yet know all the laws of the Upper Kingdom where that was just decided.

The Parasite knows that to feel alive, it has to be loved (given Life) by those naive enough to give from their life unconditionally.

And since these little creators continue to give to a Parasite they have no idea CHOSE to live as a parasite, they assume it will improve, as the little creators do when they receive.

And they give and give, until both the host and the parasite die.

Over time, the little creators see this pattern and start to notice that being self-serving and not paying Life forward as they’re naturally compelled to do, will make them possessed by the Parasite too.

They, in order to wage war on the parasite, give and give and give, to overwhelm the Parasite with the presence of the Upper Kingdom he resented so much.

The Parasite however, with all that knowledge, invented a much more sneaky way into the little creators lives, which is where it lives today.

Thousands and thousands of years pass, and the little creators forget all about the Upper Kingdom and have only a slight collective memory of the War against the self-serving one. x All of the little creators culture comes from their victory in ancient history.

But they often stray into the opposite extreme, where now excess humility is praised. Children are not allowed to be children, and with every generation, more little creators feel progressively lifeless and condemning. Not just condemned, but condemning of those around them.

The little creators become split into a majority of sleeping ones, and a minority of strong ones.

The sleeping ones only feel bad, but have no understanding why, and decide not to look within themselves. As though they live in a dream, everything simply happens to them, and they have no clue they’re asleep. All their problems, they could never imagine are their own choice to remain asleep, so they stay rude and harsh and hurtful.

The strong ones realize they’re awake, but do not understand all the others are still asleep. They receive all the painful comments and the hatred and hurt from the sleeping ones, and they believe it’s true because so many say the same thing - but the Parasite speaks to them all equally. The strong ones do not know, it’s the voice of the Parasite, speaking through all the sleeping lips.

It tells them they’re ugly, they’re stupid, they’re a burden and the world would be better off without them - and everyone around them only seems to confirm this is true.

The problem is not that they hear the lies, the lies will always be there; but that they believe them and identify with them because they came from the lips of the ones they trust.

They begin to learn to Face the Sun because it is terrifyingly easy to forget, fall asleep, and become possessed - By the Parasite, or by the Archetypes when we lower our guard with them. It can make us think that we’re the worst person or we’re terrible and deserve abuse - and that’s always false. Life is always in favor of Life in its’ fullness. If it feels terrible, they’re not seeing the full picture.

And they need to remember that just because they feel like a burden or are even TOLD they are one, does not mean it is truth. That is never the truth. They may feel that they have all the evidence in the world, but what they’re looking at is only how they FEEL about the small bubble they live in. Burst the bubble, leave and find more Life outside that bubble.

Remember you connect with Life when you pay it forward - and even Life itself had to cut out what was toxic to its Kingdom.

We hope that this episode felt like more of the full picture to you.

Talk to you guys next week, we appreciate you.