003 - What are Archetypes?

Hey, you.

Last episode we looked at the structure of the individual as a whole. Massara and I like to picture it as gray, and kind of a lifeless machinery; I’ll explain why in just a minute. This episode will be a little longer than the others.

Also, I’ll say this now.

This episode is the veil between popularly accepted, modern, contemporary psychology - and the more esoteric expression of what affects us all on a much more obscure, controversial and spiritual underlying level.

If you’re into that, carry on.

There are four primary Paths of psychological development, everything is expressed and explained by analogy and images. Obviously none of this is literal.

These four in our deep unconscious are the reason that everything earthly and foundational to our understanding is divided into four. Four cardinal points, four seasons, four elements, etc.

As a human being, we’re always going to be exposed to these energies, and it really helps optimize our lives when we cultivate a constant, healthy and respectful relationship with them.

We’re also not going to get into the theories behind WHY - because that’s entirely beside the point -

But there’s been enough extensive research and discussion around these four archetypal patterns that they’re absolutely worth expressing. This model is the reason for this podcast, and if you’re still here, you will not be disappointed.

…All that being said:

Let’s get back to it.

Their personified names, are

The Sovereign; meaning either King or Queen depending on your gender -

The Warrior, very clear on that one;

The Magician, Wizard or Priest for those of who who the word “Magician” feels icky to;

And the Lover, or Artist, Rakish or Poet.

Carl Jung himself was on a near-obssessive search for clarity around these four archetypes, and found a very similar underlying map through ancient Alchemy. The symbolic principles behind the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water, beautifully match up with the four listed archetypes - in that order. Sovereign is Fire, Warrior is Earth, Magician is Air, and Lover is Water.


For those of you into astrology, are you even surprised to see that they’re in order there as well too? I hope not.

Speaking of which…

A really close friend of mine takes full credit for this, she mapped out the four, super-imposed over the four cardinal points that stay constant on all birth charts:

(and for those of you who aren’t into that, I’ll explain.)

Birth charts are essentially mapped out as though you’re looking South, with the sky above you.

  • Sovereign or Fire upward to the MC

  • Warrior or Earth leftward to the AC

  • Magician or Air downward to the IC

  • And the Lover or Water rightward to the DC.

Don’t worry about the details.

Here’s the point: (We’re gonna go out of order for this so the narrative builds nicely)

Upward, imagine your Vision, Power, the Kingdom. Your relationship between you and God. the Future, and leading forward and upward.

Rightward, like our dominant hand (unless you’re a Leftie, then it’s flipped) - is everything favored in Life. All the Bliss, sweetness, enjoyment, expanse, and expression. On a birth chart it’s the Western horizon, where the sun goes to retire. It’s a resting, receiving energy.

Leftward, is toward the symbolic rising sun of the Eastern Horizon. The Warrior is the birth of action and the absolute Cardinal energy, so to speak. The Spark of Life in the world. Left Hand principle and the Warrior are both talking about the same creative powers of Structure, Order and Law. If you’re a Rightie, it’s also the less favored hand; It’s still necessary, although maybe clunky and awkward. If you’re a Leftie, this principle is flipped; the Warrior would be like your Right Hand (also, fun fact, brain studies have also shown that Lefties’ left and right hemispheres are mirrored as well, so our dominant hand always wires to the motor centers in the artistic hemisphere.)

Finally, downward, represents the depth of digging into both the Unconscious and our own personal past. The reason this aspect has so much substance is because “For a tree to have a top that reaches into heaven, its roots much reach into hell.” And for anyone who even remotely understands how plants grow, the STABILITY and POTENTIAL come from the foundation, before it has the nutrients, water and structure to grow upward, sovereign-ward fruits.

You’re still HERE feeding off of this because you have a great relationship with the Magician energy, and this is fascinating. There’s something about this symbolic structure that really blesses this innate quality of deep curiosity that doesn’t necessarily have to be “logical” 100% of the time. You’re a learner, and a teacher.

The reason we’re expressing all of these now -

Is because they’re Life energy.

Endless discussions between Massara and I have shown us that when you are close to these energies and don’t just live in the so-called Ego-space, your life is full of color. That aliveness IS the color that fills our gray boring machinery.

Try it.

Tell me you weren’t wired as a kid with Life beyond description.

Tell me you don’t wish with every fiber of your being that you could feel like that again.

Tell me you don’t believe that’s something you have to grow out of and likely never experience again.

…That’s the secret.

you don’t.

Maybe consciously, you have no idea what to think, but deeply there’s a very very real experience that PROVED it’s legit, and if you don’t understand it, why be at its’ mercy?

So - That’s what this is about.


Not just this newsletter (or podcast for those listening),

But everything. Really.

All spiritual approaches, all branches of all psychologies, all existentialism, stoicism, minimalism, dopamine detox, looksmaxxing, health, wellness, influence, power…

Everything we chase that has substance or doesn’t, ends up being mapped right here; with unbelievable clarity.

So what’s the good stuff? How do I get it?

“Act as-if”.

That’s it.

Act as-if you were someone who you don’t currently believe you are yet.

Act as-if you were someone who had mastered sales.

Act as-if you were someone who appreciated the sunset.

Act as-if you were someone who cared about ___.

You will become unrecognizable.

In 30 days, you will become unrecognizable to your friends.

In 90 days, you will become unrecognizable to your family.

In 180 days, you will become unrecognizable to your partner.

In 365 days, you will become unrecognizable to yourself.

For you to KNOW what to act as-if, you need a solid model.

That is expressed in this newsletter and accompanying podcast. You found it.

And if this lights a fire in you that you stopped believing was there, and you’re interested in personal coaching, let’s get in touch. Email me at [email protected], and if you’re reading this on Substack or Medium, Massara and I’s Linktrees are in my bio.

Thank you guys for reading,

We appreciate you.